additions to esther การใช้
- In the Vulgate text, Jerome's translations from the Greek of the additions to Esther and Daniel are combined with his separate translations of these books from the Hebrew.
- In contrast, the 1979 revision of the Vulgate, the Nova Vulgata, incorporates the additions to Esther directly into the narrative itself, as do most modern Catholic English translations based on the original Hebrew and Greek ( e . g ., Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, New American Bible, New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition ).
- Although Jerome preferred the books of the Hebrew Bible, he deferred to church authority in accepting as scripture not only the Greek additions to Esther and Daniel, but also an extra five'apocryphal'books in Judith, Tobit, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus and the two books of Maccabees, which in his listing of the Old Testament in the " prologus galeatus " he placed after the Hebrew canon.
- Daniel was written several hundred years after the time of Ezra, and since that time several books of the Septuagint have been found in the original Hebrew, in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Cairo Geniza, and at Masada, including a Hebrew text of Sirach ( Qumran, Masada ) and an Aramaic text of Tobit ( Qumran ); the additions to Esther and Daniel are also in their respective Semitic languages.